R M Wiseman Shell UK limited Shell-Mex House London WC2R 0XD. 20 January 1999. Dear Mr Wiseman, You will recall that in your letter of the 2 October 1998 you not only invited me to submit allegations/questions, you went on to undertake to 'ensure that they (my allegations/questions) are dealt with comprehensively'. You subsequently, reassured me that Shell would reply to my questions/assertions. I now call upon you, and Shell, to honour your undertakings. In particular please forward details, as set out/requested in my letter of the 27 November 1998, concerning the role of Lord Armstrong. Together with the names of the individuals who 'provided all of the information needed to respond to the assertions you (I) have previously made', as per your letter of 2 October 1998.. I requested this particular piece of information in my letter of the 5 October 1998. You will note that I have answered all of your letters and the subsequent questions, either directly or by refusing, in writing, to answer a particular question,. At no time have I engaged in a policy of ignoring your questions. Should you decline to answer the above, please do me the courtesy, not to say common decency of writing to me, to confirm the fact. Yours sincerely, John Dyer. |